Since 2002, local rock radio station The Zone @ 91-3 has showcased local musical talent with their Band of the Month initiative. Each month, a local band is chosen for radio airplay and a feature on The Zone’s website, including downloads of three of their songs.
The program has evolved to feature bands from January–August, and then all eight bands are brought back for two live showcases at the beginning and end of November.
From each band, The Zone needs music, a bio, news, and promo photos.
Due to myriad factors (outdated photos, lineup changes, a band’s new-ness), promo photos are sometimes hard to come by.
Rocktographers is proud to announce a partnership with The Zone to provide promo photos for upcoming Bands of the Month, and we’re coming out of the gate with Fallbrigade.

We asked the folks from Fallbrigade to join us for a promo shoot at Elk Lake to shoot a set of images which they get to keep and use for promotional purposes.

There was climbing, hiking, running, jumping . . . and sloshing.

Fallbrigade were an absolute pleasure to work with, taking Tyson’s (the band standing ankle-deep in water) and took it to the next level by dragging two picnic tables into the water erm, I mean, spontaneously levitating.
Check out a whole different set of photos, as well as three of their songs (I personally recommend Ocean) at