Rifflandia Music Festival 2024: Day One Josh Szirmay-Corrales and Tyson Elder·September 14, 2024It’s that time of year again where we all get that Rifflandia feeling. The first day of Victoria’s...FestivalsFrom the Pit·0 Comments··150 views
Single: Dave Monks – Love Tyson Elder·March 23, 2021Dave Monks, singer-songwriter and frontman for indie rock outfit Tokyo Police Club shares his latest solo single, “Love.”...Rocktogs PicksSingles·0 Comments··13 views
Bonus Mixtape: Tall Tree Festival 2017 Team Rocktog·June 21, 2017Scenic vistas, sunshine, great music, and friendship await us all at the top of Browns Mountain in Port...MixtapesMusic·0 Comments··15 views
Tokyo Police Club at Alix Goolden Hall Tyson Elder·October 7, 2016What happens when three amazing bands from Ontario are on tour together and get to play Alix Goolden...Arenas / TheatersFrom the Pit·0 Comments··50 views
October Monthly Mixtape: A Million Vacations Team Rocktog·October 1, 2016 Now that the festival season is official over, everyone here at Rocktographers is dreaming of a million...MixtapesMusic·0 Comments··12 views
Mega Post: Rifflandia 2015 Team Rocktog, Tyson Elder, Kirsten James, webmeister Bud and Lindsey Blane·September 25, 2015Can you believe a week has passed since festival season came to a close with Rifflandia and BreakOut...FestivalsFrom the Pit·0 Comments··157 views