Rifflandia 2017 Nick Rassenti·October 2, 2017The Victoria music scene observed a milestone this past weekend as Rifflandia Festival returned to rock the city’s...FestivalsFrom the Pit·0 Comments··150 views
Rifflandia 2017: Day 4 Team Rocktog·September 18, 2017The fourth and final day of Rifflandia 10 is in the books, and Team Rocktog powered through to...FestivalsFrom the Pit·0 Comments··165 views
Tall Tree Music Festival Nick Rassenti·July 6, 2016In the midst of packing my ’04 Escape to head up to Port Renfrew, I realized we were...FestivalsFrom the Pit·0 Comments··357 views
Bonus Mixtape: Tall Tree Music Festival Team Rocktog·June 24, 2016Rocktographers is pretty pumped to be officially covering the Tall Tree Music Festival for the first time, so we...MixtapesMusic·0 Comments··10 views
Sam Weber and Quoia at Sugar Nightclub Kirsten James·June 1, 2016Sam Weber and Quoia descended upon Sugar Nightclub May 28 for a dual album release party. It was...Bars / ClubsFrom the Pit·0 Comments··179 views