Rifflandia 2018: Day 4 Team Rocktog and Dallas Ross·September 17, 2018It’s be a great summer of music on the South Island and the city-wide good vibes on day...FestivalsFrom the Pit·1 Comment··85 views
Rifflandia 2018: Day 3 Team Rocktog and Tyson Elder·September 16, 2018The threat of rain wasn’t going to dampen the third day of Victoria’s Rifflandia Music Festival. Concert goers...FestivalsFrom the Pit·0 Comments··134 views
Rifflandia 2018 – Who To See Team Rocktog·September 11, 2018The Rifflandia Music Festival has always been a festival about discovery. It’s always a fun experience point yourself...Rocktogs PicksWTS·0 Comments··161 views