Interview: Victoria Bar Memes Dallas Ross·August 23, 2018Maybe it was the wildfire smoke hanging on the city like a dirty Jesse Roper poncho. Maybe it...InterviewsRocktogs Picks·14 Comments··2096 views
Interview: Mike Edel Tyson Elder·March 19, 2018Mike Edel is a man between two countries and — after a day of delivering concert tickets around...InterviewsRocktogs Picks·0 Comments··181 views
Interview: Fox Glove Tyson Elder·January 16, 2018Ahead of the highly anticipated Let The Love In concert happening at Alix Goolden Hall on January 20th,...InterviewsRocktogs Picks·0 Comments··111 views
Interview: J GRGRY Tyson Elder·September 20, 2017Backstage at Lucky Bar, Joe Gregory — or as he is better known, J GRGRY —sat down with Tyson Elder...InterviewsRocktogs Picks·0 Comments··211 views
Behind the Record with Chris Ho Team Rocktog·September 1, 2017On a warm August afternoon, Rocktographers caught up with former Victoria based indie folk musician Chris Ho at Vinyl...InterviewsRocktogs Picks·0 Comments··79 views
Behind the Record with Sam Weber Team Rocktog·February 3, 2017Recently, Rocktographers sat down at Vinyl Envy with Sam Weber to talk about his latest record, Valentina Nevada,...InterviewsRocktogs PicksVideos·0 Comments··200 views