Rock the Shores 2016 Nick Rassenti·July 29, 2016You can’t actually see the shores beyond the stands of evergreen trees that surround the playing fields behind...FestivalsFrom the Pit·2 Comments··152 views
Rock the Shores 2016: Day 1 Team Rocktog and Nick Rassenti·July 23, 2016After scaling back to a weekend-only event last year, the organizers of Rock the Shores decided to once...FestivalsFrom the Pit·1 Comment··223 views
Rock The Shores 2016: Who To See Team Rocktog·July 18, 2016Of course we are are stoked to see huge headlining acts like Metric, City and Colour, Arkells, The Eagles...Rocktogs PicksWTS·2 Comments··49 views
Bonus Mixtape: Rock The Shores Team Rocktog·July 16, 2016You can’t spell Rocktographers without the word “rock” and that is what this year’s Rock the Shores does....MixtapesMusic·0 Comments··19 views
Tall Tree Music Festival Nick Rassenti·July 6, 2016In the midst of packing my ’04 Escape to head up to Port Renfrew, I realized we were...FestivalsFrom the Pit·0 Comments··357 views
Bonus Mixtape: Tall Tree Music Festival Team Rocktog·June 24, 2016Rocktographers is pretty pumped to be officially covering the Tall Tree Music Festival for the first time, so we...MixtapesMusic·0 Comments··10 views