Our Favourite Albums 2015 Team Rocktog, Tyson Elder, Kirsten James, webmeister Bud and Lindsey Blane·December 21, 2015You don’t become a concert photographer without being a music fan first. We probably spend more time listening...Rocktogs Picks·0 Comments··47 views
Mega Post: Rifflandia 2015 Team Rocktog, Tyson Elder, Kirsten James, webmeister Bud and Lindsey Blane·September 25, 2015Can you believe a week has passed since festival season came to a close with Rifflandia and BreakOut...FestivalsFrom the Pit·0 Comments··157 views
Rifflandia: Saturday Riffcap Team Rocktog, Tyson Elder, Lindsey Blane, webmeister Bud and Kirsten James·September 20, 2015We are having so much fun at Rifflandia and BreakOut West…and guess what! There is still ONE MORE...FestivalsFrom the Pit·0 Comments··99 views